Electric multi-effect distilled water machine
电多效蒸馏水机是我公司的发明产品,号:ZL2005 1 0054648.8,该在2008年第六届国际发明展览会上荣获银奖。该机器生产的蒸馏水符合《中国药典》(2005年版)之规定,还能引出纯蒸汽进行灭菌消毒,是没有工业蒸汽源的制药厂、医院、生化科研部门较理想的蒸馏水和纯蒸汽生产设备。
Electric multi-effect distilled water machine is the invention patent, Patent No.: ZL2005 1 0054648.8, the patent on the Sixth International Exhibition of Inventions in 2008 won the Silver Award. Production of distilled water in the machine in line with the provisions of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2005 Edition), but also leads to a pure steam sterilization disinfection, industrial steam source pharmaceutical plants, hospitals, biochemical research department best distilled water and pure steam production equipment .